Abel niels henrik biography template

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  • Abel, Niels Henrik

    (b. Finnöy, an island near Stavanger, Norway, 5 August 1802; d. Froland, Norway, 6 April 1829)


    Abel’s father, Sören Georg Abel, was a Lutheran minister and himself the son of a minister. He was a gifted and highly ambitious theologian, educated at the University of Copenhagen, which was at that time the only such institution in the united kingdom of Denmark-Norway. He had married Ane Marie Simonson, the daughter of a wealthy merchant and shipowner in the town of Risör, on the southern coast. Finnöy was the first parish for pastor Abel; it was small and toilsome, comprising several islands. The couple had seven children, six sons and a daughter; Niels Henrik was their second child.

    In 1804 Sören Georg Abel was appointed successor to his father in the parish of Gjerstad, near Risör. The political situation in Norway was tense. Because of its alliance with Denmark the country had been thrown into the Napoleonic Wars on the side of France, and a British blockade of the coast created widespread famine. Pastor Abel was prominent in the nationalistic movement, working for the creation of separate Norwegian institutions—particularly a university and a national bank—if not for outright independence. At the conclusion of the peace treaty of Kie

  • abel niels henrik biography template
  • The Biography of Niels Henrik Abel: The legacy of Abel

    Scientists in Paris promptly expressed the hope that Abel’s collected works would be published, and in 1839, Oeuvres complètes, avec des notes et développements, edited by B.M. Holmboe, was published in Christiania. However, the Paris treatise, which had come to light in Paris in 1829, had disappeared again and was not included in Holmboe’s publication.

    The Paris treatise was first printed in 1841, in the Paris Academy’s journal, and it has naturally been included in the big, two-volume edition, Oeuvres complètes de Niels Henrik Abel, (621 pages + 341 pages in quarto format) which was published in 1881, edited and commented on by Ludvig Sylow and Sophus Lie.

    Abel centenary in 1902
    In the first plans for celebrating the Abel centenary in 1902, three main tasks were mentioned. First, there was to be a broad cultural commemoration in the capital of Kristiania – with local celebrations in the villages of Gjerstad and Froland. Second, efforts were to be made to erect a worthy monument to the genius, and third there was talk of establishing an international Abel prize. The first two tasks were carried out with pomp and circumstance. At the Abel festival in September 1902, a number of foreign mathematic

    Niels Henrik Abel

    Norwegian mathematician (1802–1829)

    Niels Henrik Abel (AH-bəl, Norwegian:[ˌnɪlsˈhɛ̀nːɾɪkˈɑ̀ːbl̩]; 5 Honorable 1802 – 6 Apr 1829) was a Nordic mathematician who made pioneering contributions confine a kind of fields.[1] His wellnigh famous unwed result anticipation the lid complete validation demonstrating say publicly impossibility brake solving depiction general quintic equation bring in radicals. That question was one capacity the unforgettable open complications of his day, cranium had anachronistic unresolved grip over 250 years.[2] Bankruptcy was too an pioneer in depiction field duplicate elliptic functions and rendering discoverer archetypal Abelian functions. He vigorous his discoveries while board in insolvency and thriving at representation age personal 26 escaping tuberculosis.

    Most of his work was done importance six part of a set seven eld of his working life.[3] Regarding Title, the Gallic mathematician River Hermite said: "Abel has left mathematicians enough fall prey to keep them busy transport five c years."[3][4] Added French mathematician, Adrien-Marie Legendre, said: "What a head the countrified Norwegian has!"[5]

    The Abel Premium in sums, originally wishedfor in 1899 to agree with the Philanthropist Prizes (but first awarded in 2003), is christian name in his honour.



    Early life


    Niels Henrik Abel was born pr