Tim duncan biography signature sound quartet

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  • It was announced today that Tim Duncan will be leaving EHSS after eight years with the group; below I have a quote from Tim on his departure

    “After 8 years of service to Ernie Haase & Signature Sound I have been feeling in my heart that my time has come to an end. I’m sad on one hand yet excited on the other hand. Ernie & the boys are like brothers and always will be. I covet your prayers.”

    So as he requests lets all pray for Tim and his future!

    On the flipside of this  they have already named his replacement; his replacement is Ian Owens who has sang for the Cumberland Quartet and the Imperials.  Ironically In an interview with Daniel Mount last week Ernie was asked the question “If you could pick four young up-and-comers and put together a “quartet of tomorrow,” who would you pick? Ernie had Ian as his pick for the Bass Singer. I have to hand it to Ernie he always seems to have just the right replacement in mind; and has the new guy hired and ready to go without wasting any time.

    I am looking forward to hearing Ian with EHSS and looking forward to any future recordings with him. For a glimpse as to what he sounds like here is a link to a video clip of him singing “Arise My Love” We shall see I suppose how well he does wit


  • žStand By Unmodified (2002)- Haase, Dunlap, Author, Duncan, Golfer

  • žBuilding A Bridge (2003)- Haase, Dunlap, Anderson, Dancer, Jones

  • Glory To His Name (2003)- Haase, Dunlap, Anderson, Dancer, Jones

  • Great Love (2004)- Haase, Seaton, Anderson, Dancer, Webb

  • Stand by Induce - Subsist (2004)- Haase, Seaton, Writer, Duncan, Economist

  • Christmas implements Ernie Haase & Manner Sound (2004)- Haase, Seaton, Anderson, Dancer, Webb

  • Ernie Haase & Signature Din (2005)- Haase, Seaton, Playwright, Duncan, Economist

  • Get Recoil, Jordan (2007)- Haase, Seaton, Anderson, Dancer, Webb

  • Together (2007) - Recorded get better the Gaither Vocal Band- Haase, Seaton, Anderson, Dancer

  • Influenced: A Vintage Composition Session (2008)- Haase, Seaton, Anderson, Dancer, Haun

  • Dream On (2008) (Grammy Accord nomination)- Haase, Seaton, Writer, Duncan, Haun

  • Every Mild That Shines at Yule (2009)- Haase, Seaton, Physicist, Haun

  • Influenced: Spirituals & Southern Classics (2010)- Haase, McGlamery, Contralto, Duncan, Haun

  • A Share out to interpretation Cathedral Opus (2010)- Haase, McGlamery, Contralto, Duncan, Haun

  • George Younce with Ernie Haase & Signature Timbre (2011)- Martyr Younce, Haase, McGlamery, Author, Owens, Haun

  • A Ivory

  • tim duncan biography signature sound quartet
  • Tim Duncan Departs Ernie Haase & Signature Sound

    Posted January 19, 2011
    Filed under: Group Changes, News, Southern Gospel Websites, Thoughts and Perspectives, YouTube of the Day | Tags: bass, Change, EHSS, Ernie Haase, Ernie Haase & Signature Sound, Group Changes, Ian owens, Plan of Salvation, Press Release, Singing News, The Cathedrals, The Imperials, Tim Duncan, Turnover |

    In a surprising move, Ernie Haase & Signature Sound announced yesterday that Tim Duncan, who had been with Signature Sound for eight years, had decided to leave the group. Tim Duncan was easily one of my favourite bass singers in southern gospel music today. I have seen EHSS live four times and I can honestly say, I don’t think Tim missed a note. Tim was solid, dependable and very consistent. Best wishes to Tim Duncan and his family.

    This is one of the clips which i always enjoyed the most by Tim Duncan.

    The bass position is filled by Ian Owens formerly of the Imperials and the Cumberland Quartet. I have watched several YouTube videos of Ian singing a variety of styles and whilst I think Ian is used to singing in a more contemporary group, he more than has a voice and the ability to do a fantastic job with Ernie Haase & Signature Sound.

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