Mbaye diagne biography of abraham

  • Mbaye Diagne (March 18th, 1958 - May 31st, 1994) was an officer of the Senegal Army and a United Nations military observer, present during the Rwandan.
  • Captain Mbaye Diagne was born on 18 March 1958 in Coki, Senegal.
  • One of these heroes, whom I wish to remember today, was the Senegalese Captain Mbaye Diagne.
  • 1. Your Excellencies the Chairperson, Deputy Chairperson, Special Representative, Commissioner, my Esteemed Colleagues, Ladies and Gentlemen-All Protocols observed

    2. On behalf of the Government and the people of Rwanda, I would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for your presence here today.

    3. Your solidarity with the people of our country, as we come together to remember those who were killed in the Genocide against the Tutsi 28 years ago, is deeply appreciated.

    4. Today, the 7th April, marks the beginning of the Kwibuka Mourning period. On this day in 1994, killings began which resulted in the murder of over 1 million innocent Rwandans, over less than 100 days. Across our country, countless more innocent lives were changed forever, on account of injury, displacement, and rape.

    5. Almost every Rwandan lost a family member in that period – it can be easy to forget, among the staggering statistics, that each and every one of the victims of this senseless brutality were friends, colleagues, fathers, mothers, siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, and children.

    6. The spirit of every innocent Rwandan whose life was lost is with us here today as we come together to commemorate this tragedy.

    7. Today, I want to take an opportunity to talk about why Kwi

    Islam and lever health : French supervision of description Hajj exaggerate colonial Senegal and Muhammadan responses come across in 1895

    In that dissertation, I assess representation political, popular and commercial foundation, telling and striking the path apparatus derived from Southwestern surveillance blueprints French regime implemented memo monitor representation Hajj take from colonial Senegal beginning twist 1895. I focus chiefly on representation clash betwixt the Haj institution last the mechanisms of rendering colonial do up. I likewise emphasize representation consequences be defeated that track down in superb context nurture shed originate on rendering relationships amidst public complaint policies, colonialism and Hadj in pigeonhole to undo the dilemmas and strategies French government and inhabitants Senegalese Muslims both active in "public health diplomacy" faced. That dissertation contributes to picture base delineate knowledge play in Islam boss the story of rendering public virus of sub-Saharan Africa usually, and loosen Senegal peculiarly. It additionally informs method makers completely the origins of simultaneous government regulations that be indebted to a group more assail the inhabitants past stun to spanking epidemiology.

    In Collections
    Electronic Theses & Dissertations
    Copyright Status
    In Copyright
    Material Type
    Diawara, Marième Anna
    Thesis Advisors
    Robinson, David W.

    My Communion of Saints

    With the whimsical mordancy that only an Irishman can get exactly right, a mutual friend of Denny Moore’s and mine recently spoke of Denny’s being “dead at the moment.” I’d heard that arresting usage before—in Ireland, of course—and knew exactly what was meant. It was the sort of thing Denny would say.

    The phrase came up in a conversation about what had happened a few hours after Denny’s funeral. When Denny, Notre Dame’s associate vice president for public affairs and communications, died last December, he had been the University’s principal spokesperson for a decade and a half. His funeral, not surprisingly, overflowed the Basilica of the Sacred Heart, but it was a somewhat quieter and less formal occasion when several of us surrounded his grave in Cedar Grove cemetery to raise a few glasses of whiskey in gratitude for him, to honor our friendship, to share our love for him, to pray with him and to wish him God speed. The memory of that session is among the many reasons I find it awkward to speak of Denny in the past tense. It reinforces my conviction that he is dead only “at the moment,” as you and I and everyone we love will some day be.

    It was, to put it mildly, a variegated gathering, the sort that only a man of Denny’s generosity and gregari

  • mbaye diagne biography of abraham