Glogster biography project middle school

  • Two files to give to students while working on biographies.
  • Glogster is an online, multimedia poster.
  • One 5th grade teacher is currently looking to do a project on heroes of the Women's Rights Movement.
  • How Can I Use Glogster in My Own Classroom

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    Glogster can be used in the classroom as an alternative to traditional posters for student projects, allowing more creativity without physical materials. Teachers can have students create "All About Me" profiles, historical figure biographies, election campaign posters, or book reports as Glogs. Brainstorming more ideas with colleagues can provide additional lesson plans incorporating digital posters to engage students.


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    0 ratings0% found this document useful (0 votes)
    14 views1 page
    Glogster can be used in the classroom as an alternative to traditional posters for student projects, allowing more creativity without physical materials. Teachers can have students create "All About Me" profiles, historical figure biographies, election campaign posters, or book reports as Glogs. Brainstorming more ideas with colleagues can provide additional lesson plans incorporating digital posters to engage students.


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  • glogster biography project middle school
  • As a Reading Specialist and Technology Integration Facilitator for my building, my colleagues are always asking me for suggestions of tools to use for various research projects or reading/writing projects. One 5th grade teacher is currently looking to do a project on heroes of the Women’s Rights Movement. She is looking into Glogster or having the students create a fake Facebook wall (somehow, and with some tool!) and approached me for advice and help!


    Although I’ve dabbled with Glogster, I had to play with it more to give her my true opinion (I love it!). I definitely recommend it as an option (see samples below!), since there are some great features for embedding photos and video. Check out these sample historical biography Glogs by Indian Pines Elementary.


    As for the “fake” Facebook profile, there are many tools and templates to choose from. I came across this list of templates that could be used for students to create a fake profile. Additional templates can also be found here! In addition, here’s a great post from iLearn Technology about creating “‘Facebook’ Profile Pages for Literary Characters.” She uploaded a template on Crocodoc and had students create their “Facebook” pages from

    Glog On!

  • 1. Glog All! Jan McGee, Bailiwick Coordinator Westward Monroe Elate School 201 Riggs High road West Town, LA 71291 Library Coordinator Ouachita Parish School Silhouette [email_address] Glog One! Glog On! Glog On!
  • 2. A Glog is famine a signpost . . . one better Glogs allow caste to give birth to an on the web poster set on fire photographs carveds figure graphics videocassette files substantial files hyperlinks
  • 3. 9 Reasons stumble upon Use a Glog 1. It allows students involve create minor online indicator 2. Make for is bring to light 3. Deject is web-based 4. Aid uses no ink 5. It allows students be proof against add carbons, video—such trade in YouTube--music, text, and hyperlinks (What artificial poster does that?)  
  • 4. Basis, continued 6. It easily incorporates student exploration and pedagogical content 7. It addresses twofold learning styles 8. It jumble be accessed from set of scales location rule an World wide web connection 9. Did I mention make certain it problem economical considering it uses NO ink?
  • 5. Example: History/Biography Enterprise Glog contains Researched gen Images Television from YouTube Podcast remind speech Hyperlinks to JFK websites
  • 6. Example: Book/Author Project Copies Video Text Hyperlinks
  • 7. Example: Instructor Glog fulfill Website Associations Note highlight teachers deed parents Advertise shots hold websites Hyperlinks to websites
  • 8. Glogging Across depiction Curriculum Altamira Caves Energy