Iuliia mykhailova wiki

  • Alina Mykhailova, Członek personelu wojskowego, wolontariusz i polityk, deputy of a local council (*1994) ♀; Oder księżnej Olgi 3 stopnia, Medal Obrońcy.
  • The Bad Dürrenberg burial is a Mesolithic double burial of a woman and baby near the modern town of Bad Dürrenberg, in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany.
  • Alina Mykhailova (1 F). Taras Mykhalskyi (1 C). Mykola Vydryhan (2 C). Yulia Mykytenko (8 F) Yulia Tolopa (10 F). Volodymyr Trush (military personnel) (2 F).
  • Entrepreneurs from Frontline Territories Awarded Light of Justice Prize for Ethical Leadership

    On Tuesday December 17, the Sheptytsky Center hosted the award ceremony for the “Light of Justice” prize, recognizing moral, spiritual, and ethical leadership. This year, the award committee decided to honor entrepreneurs who continue to work in frontline areas despite all the challenges. The recipients of the award were Hryhoriy Tkachenko and Nika Lozovska. They symbolize the resilience of communities, reminding us that even in the toughest times, life goes on, and light always triumphs over darkness.

    The “Light of Justice” award draws attention to value-based leadership in Ukraine, emphasizing the importance of moral principles and promoting examples of such leadership in Ukrainian society. The award ceremony is organized by the Institute of Leadership and Management of Ukrainian Catholic University. The “Light of Justice” award was established by Anastasia Shkilnyk in honor of her father, Dr. Mykhailo Shkilnyk—a lawyer, public figure, and political activist during Ukraine’s liberation movement of 1917–1920. At the beginning of the ceremony, a film was shown in which Anastasia Shkilnyk speaks about her father, a man with a big heart w

  • iuliia mykhailova wiki
  • Wikipedia:Wikipedia też jest kobietą/Brakujące/żołnierki

    # Artykuł opis data urodzenia data śmierci ilustracja IW inne języki item 1 A.P.C. de FremeryPaper artist i członek personelu wojskowego (1779–1854) ♀ 1779-09-15 1854-03-14 1 enQ1072755612 Aal der DragonerCzłonek personelu wojskowego i Dragoni (1700–1710) ♀ 17th century 1710 4 nl, es, en, deQ3008293 Abimbola Olatilewa AmusuCzłonek personelu wojskowego ♀ 5 ff, ig, pcm, ha, enQ934932644 Adelaide Maud KellettCzłonek personelu wojskowego (1873–1945) ♀; Medal Florence Nightingale1873-09-01 1945
    1 enQ215351355 Adelaide MurphyCzłonek personelu wojskowego (1921–2019) ♀ 1921-08-29 2019 0 Q1059790316 Adeline Ledesma TeagueCzłonek personelu wojskowego (1924–2008) ♀ 1924 2008 0 Q1059790337 Adi ElazariCzłonek personelu wojskowego i mate (*1975) ♀ 1975-07-16
    2 he, enQ516303788 Ager GumCzłonek personelu wojskowego (1941–1996) ♀ 1941 1996 3 ig, fr, enQ432842879 Agnes C. M. Sliter RodgersCzłonek personelu wojskowego (1896–1960) ♀ 1896 1960 0 Q10481304210 Agnes CantwellCzłonek personelu wojskowego i pielęgniarz ♀ 0 Q10481303111 Aimee Nott Moo

    Dahlia Malkhi

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    • affiliation:Microsoft Research

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