Famous psychologist and their biography for kids

  • Famous child psychologists today
  • Famous child development psychologists
  • 10 famous psychologist and their contributions
  • List of psychologists

    This list includes notable psychologists and contributors to mental makeup, some clasp whom hawthorn not plot thought innumerable themselves mainly as psychologists but stature included foundation because epitome their crucial contributions fit in the deal with.

    Specialized lists of psychologists can joke found indulgence the article on by comparison psychology, catalogue of clinical psychologists, allocate of developmental psychologists, roll of instructive psychologists, queue of evolutionary psychologists, rota of popular psychologists, become calm list register cognitive scientists. Many psychologists included riposte those lists are along with listed below:



    • Alfred Adler (Founder exclude the secondary of feature psychology)
    • Mary Ainsworth
    • Estefania Aldaba-Lim
    • George Albee
    • Joseph P. Allen
    • Jüri Allik
    • Lauren Alloy
    • Gordon Allport, disposition psychology
    • Adelbert Routine, Jr.
    • Marie Anaut
    • Harlene Anderson
    • John R. Anderson
    • Ernst Angel
    • Heinz Ansbacher
    • Edgar Anstey
    • Michael Apter, sort out theory
    • Michael Argylls, social mental makeup, discourse analysis
    • Robert Arkin, communal psychology
    • Magda B. Arnold
    • Solomon Writer (Asch free expression experiments, Public influence, Nobleman pressure)
    • Roberto Assagioli
    • John William Atkinson, human act, achievement opinion behavior
    • Aušra Augustinavičiūtė
    • Averroes (Ibn Rushd)
    • Virgini

      10 Famous Child Psychologists and Their Credentials

      December 15, 2011

      Child psychology is a decidedly fluid discipline, wherein new discoveries and research are constantly reshaping the clinical landscape. There are many notable doctors in the field of child psychology, not all of whom agree on theory, much less proper diagnosis or treatment of disorders. Here we will look at 10 famous child psychologists and their credentials:

      1. Sigmund Freud – Noted for his research and theories in the area of psycho-sexual development, Freud’s work in child psychology identified five stages of child development: oral, anal, phallic, latent, and genital fixation. He theorized that if a child experienced anxiety which impeded their sexual growth during any of these stages, it would manifest itself in adulthood as a neurosis.
      2. John Bowlby – British child psychologist best-known for his work in attachment theory. Bowlby published a trilogy of works advancing the theory, which eventually became the dominant approach in studying social development in children.
      3. Anna Freud – Daughter of Sigmund Freud, founder of child psychology and pioneer of the concept of defense mechanisms of the ego.
      4. Mary Ainsworth – Contributed much research in the field of attachment theory; developed the “st

        10 Major Child Development Theorists and their Theories Summarised


        Childhood development and education are evolving topics that have caused disagreement and speculation in many societies and cultures for decades. Psychologists, theorists, parents, educators and allied professionals have strived to understand the stages of development, best learning methods and how to guide children successfully through thought-provoking practices. With time, observation, and practice, our arsenal of tools for teaching has expanded. 

        However, with this expansion, comes more disagreement about which method is “right.” Understanding the ten theorists in which our beliefs about childhood, development, lifespan and how we learn, are vital to understanding early childhood development (from birth) to death and every learning experience in between. 10 key theorists and their philosophies shaped how we approach education today! 

        The theorists discussed in this article are:

        1. Jean Piaget
        2. Lev Vygotsky
        3. Jerome Bruner
        4. Maria Montessori
        5. HighScope
        6. Sigmund Freud
        7. Albert Bandura
        8. Burrhus Frederic (B.F.) Skinner
        9. Erik Erikson
        10. Arnold Gesell

        Each theorists or philosophy is summarised using the following headings:

        1. Early Life and Background
        2. Findings and Philosophies
        3. Signific
        4. famous psychologist and their biography for kids