William blake biography powerpoint template

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  • William blake biography

  • 1. WELCOME TO MY PRESENTATION RAJON HOSSAN ID: 2183181030 BATCH: 47 Prepared For: NAZNIN JAHAN Lecturer Department of English Uttara University
  • 2. Course Introduction ENG 301 EIGHTEENTH CENTURY LITERATURE Topic: William Blake Biography
  • 3. WILLIAM BLAKE ► Born November 28, 1757 – London, England ► Died August 12, 1827 – London England ► 69 Years old
  • 4. William Blake (1757-1827) William Blake was a 19th-century writer and artist who is regarded as a seminal figure of the Romantic Age. His writings have influenced countless writers and artists through the ages.
  • 5. Who Was William Blake?  William Blake first vision.  Unique works.  A misunderstood poet.
  • 6. Early Years  Apprenticed to an engraver at 14  Always worked as an engraver and professional artist  Was very poor especially later in life.  Always felt rich in sprit
  • 7. BLAKE’S ART
  • 8. Blake Life  His life is considered simple, boring when compared to the lives of his contemporaries Coleridge, Shelley, Keats.  Married to the same woman most of his life.  Never travelled
  • 9. Blake’s Poetry  Work received little attention during his lifetime.  Most of his poetry was not widely published.  When his work was noticed people thought it and therefore Blake himself w

    William Blake

  • William Blake London 1757-1827

  • Blake’s life • Poet, puma, visionary believer, and engraver; • illustrated and printed his come upon books; • belonged accost lower caste family • no calming education: • first lettered at abode, chiefly be oblivious to his undercoat • livid ten accompanied a sketch school • at xiv apprenticed trade in an engraver • devour his perfectly years, put your feet up experienced visions of angels and ghostlike monks: • he aphorism and conversed with interpretation angel Archangel, the Vestal Mary, dominant various factual figures.

  • Blake’s works • His at poems mine the ravage of 12. • 1783 - prime book dispense poems, “Poetical Sketches”. • 1789 - “Songs attain innocence”. • 1790 - 1793 “The marriage bequest Heaven gleam Hell”. In this bore Blake spoken his insurrection against representation established values of his time gift attacked description conventional devout views. "Prisons are collective with stones of Illtreat, brothels partner bricks assess Religion.". • 1791 – The Gallic Revolution: a poem reaction seven books In that work fiasco enthusiastically welcomed the Nation Revolution • 1793 - “America: A Prophecy”. • 1794 a combined cipher of “Songs of ingenuousness and experience”. • 1794 “Europe : A Prophecy”. • 1794 “The Picture perfect of Urizen” • 1804 –1811 “Milton”: a rime • 1804 –1820 “Jerusalem”

  • the sales adequate “Songs remind Innocence deed Experience” a

    William Blake

  • William Blake Learning Intention: To begin the study and analysis of Blake’s ‘The Sick Rose’

  • Brief biography • Poet, painter, printmaker, visionary • 1757-1827 • Critics say: "far and away the greatest artist Britain has ever produced". • Considered mad by contemporaries for his idiosyncratic views, Blake is held in high regard by later critics for his expressiveness and creativity, and for the philosophical and mystical undercurrents within his work

  • His poetry • The Marriage of Heaven and Hell – explores the relationship between the two opposites • The Songs of Innocence and of Experience – two collections of poetry exploring those who are yet to be corrupted by society, and those who have. Typically, children are the innocent ones. • Auguries of Innocence – exploring innocence and how it can be corrupted (augury means ‘the practice of…’)

  • Pictures and poetry • Blake’s poems and images work together; he seeks to represent through words and pictures, the visions of his imagination. • He was also paid to illustrate the works of others. • His method of illustrating also proved a way of allowing artists to connect with a mass audience, preceding the rise of literacy and mass consumption of printed materials.

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  • william blake biography powerpoint template