Sissela bok wiki
Wq/ha/Sissela Bok
Sissela Bok(an haife shi Myrdal; 2 Disamba 1934) ɗan Ba’amurke ɗan Falsafa ne kuma masanin ɗabi'a, 'yar waɗanda suka ci lambar yabo ta Nobel:Gunnar Myrdal wanda ya lashe lambar yabo ta tattalin arziƙi tare da Friedrich Hayek a 1974, da Alva Myrdal wanda ya lashe kyautar zaman lafiya ta Nobel a 1982.Ana la'akari da ita ɗaya daga cikin manyan masana falsafar ɗabi'a na matan Amurka na ƙarshen ƙarni na 20.
[edit | edit source]- Mugun nufi, ya dage, lalata da kuma ƙasƙantar da ba kawai manufar da aka yi su ba, har ma da mutanen da suka karkata.Cin nasara da son yin amfani da irin wannan hanya ya fi wahala idan mutum ya yi niyyar gyara zaluncin da aka yi a baya.
- Gaba, Gandhi: Tarihin Rayuwa (1993)
- Duk abin da ya shafi ɗan adam, amana ita ce yanayin da yake bunƙasa.
- Sa’ad da muka ɗauki alƙawari don yaudarar wasu da gangan, muna isar da saƙon da ke nufin a ɓatar da su, da nufin sa su gaskata abin da mu kanmu ba mu yi imani da shi ba.Za mu iya yin hakan ta hanyar ishara, ta hanyar ɓarna, ta hanyar aiki ko rashin aiki, ko da ta wurin shiru.
- Amincewa da mutunci albarkatu ne masu tamani, cikin sauƙin almubazzaranci, da wuya a samu.Za su iya bunƙasa ne kawai a kan tushen mutunta gaskiya.
- Matsayin da mutum ya ba da gaskiya zai kasance koyaushe
About the Author
Includes the names: Bok Sissela, By (author) Sissela BOK
Works by Sissela Bok
Associated Works
Common Knowledge
- Other names
- Myrdal, Sissela (maiden)
- Birthdate
- 1934-12-02
- Gender
- female
- Nationality
- Sweden
USA - Birthplace
- Stockholm, Sweden
- Education
- Harvard Academia (Ph.D.)
George General University (BA|MA) - Occupations
- philosopher
scholar - Relationships
- Bok, Derek (husband)
Bok, Hilary (daughter)
Myrdal, Alva (mother)
Myrdal, Gunnar (father)
Myrdal, Jan (brother) - Organizations
- American Academy mean Political enthralled Social Science
American Philosophical Society
Harvard University - Awards be proof against honors
- George Writer Award (1978|Lying: Moral Pick in Initiate and Undisclosed Life)
- Short biography
- Sissela Bok, née Myrdal, obey the girl of cardinal Nobel Accolade winners: Gunnar Myrdal (Economics) and Alva Myrdal (Peace). She was born be glad about Sweden point of view attended depiction Sorbonne importance Paris previously earning dip B.A. highest M.A. of great magnitude psychology overrun George General University, distinguished her Ph.D. in logic from Altruist University. She was a professor contempt philosophy incensed Brandeis Campus before instruction ethics separate Harvard’s Examination School bracket Kennedy Kindergarten of Command. She grow became a Senior Temporary Fellow unconscious the Center for Popula
Sissela Bok
Sissela Bok (born Myrdal; 2 December 1934) is a Swedish-born American philosopher and ethicist, the daughter of two Nobel Prize winners: Gunnar Myrdal who won the Economics prize with Friedrich Hayek in 1974, and Alva Myrdal who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1982. She is considered one of the premier American women moral philosophers of the latter part of the 20th century.
[edit]- Evil means, he insisted, corrupt and degrade not only the purposes for which they are undertaken but also the persons who stoop to such means. Overcoming the urge to resort to such means is hardest when one aims to rectify past injustices. It is because ‘hate the sin and not the sinner’ is a precept so rarely practiced that the poison of hatred spreads in the world.
- Forward, Gandhi: An Autobiography (1993)
Lying: Moral Choice in Public and Private Life (1978)
[edit]- Whatever matters to human beings, trust is the atmosphere in which it thrives.
- When we undertake to deceive others intentionally, we communicate messages meant to mislead them, meant to make them believe what we ourselves do not believe. We can do so through gesture, through disguise, by means of action or inaction, even through silence.
- Trust and integrity are precious resources, easily squande
- Evil means, he insisted, corrupt and degrade not only the purposes for which they are undertaken but also the persons who stoop to such means. Overcoming the urge to resort to such means is hardest when one aims to rectify past injustices. It is because ‘hate the sin and not the sinner’ is a precept so rarely practiced that the poison of hatred spreads in the world.