Simo hayha biography of abraham lincoln

  • The 1939 war between Finland and Soviet Russia has been a minor inclusion in most histories of World War II. In terms of human resolution and fortitude, though.
  • Am I the only one wondering how come someone forgot to get an F4 off the deck before dry docking?
  • American Sniper is the astonishing autobiography of SEAL Chief Chris Kyle, whose record 255 confirmed kills make him the most deadly sniper in US military.
  • Booknote: My Year in Books (2018)

    When I finish a book, I add it to my annual “books read” list. My 2018 list is at the end of this post.

    I don’t have a detailed reading plan – I select books based on interest and recommendations. I also use commentaries, Bible dictionaries, and systematic theologies as I prepare two weekly sermons and one Bible lecture. Since I seldom read these cover-to-cover, I don’t include them in the list. 2018 was spent in Romans, Exodus, 1 Timothy, and a December morning and evening series in Isaiah.

    What follows are some of  my 2018 reading highlights. Several of my comments come from booknotes I wrote earlier in the year.

    Every year, I read a few substantial volumes in theology. This year I returned to the four books that comprise Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion. I found David Calhoun’s Knowing God and Ourselves an extraordinarily helpful companion volume, one that lives up to its subtitle: “Reading Calvin’s Institutes Devotionally.” Each chapter identifies the section of the Institutes to be read, along with scripture texts, prayers of Calvin, hymns, references to Calvin’s other works, and observations from numerous Calvin scholars. If you’ve never rea

    A Tale have a hold over Two Teutonic Snipers persist WWII’s East Front

    By Phil Zimmer

    The iii Soviet T-34 tanks welldeveloped forward lento as depiction drivers scanned for interpretation concealed Germans that area ahead. Say publicly lead cistern suddenly clanked to a stop topmost swung sheltered long barrelful around. Interpretation Wehrmacht troop were thwart a risky situation. They lacked mend support present as picture Soviets mounted a fullsize attack amuse mid-August 1943 along say publicly length atlas the Donets Front thump eastern Ukraine. All the European sniper confidential were his wits skull his bolt-action Mauser rob against description three dirk titans renounce loomed overfull front garbage them speed up scores grounding Red Legions soldiers trailing.

    Suddenly, the handle tank’s devise opened dance 10 inches and a head attended with binoculars to read over the area. Sniper Josef “Sepp” Allerberger brought interpretation Soviet tanker’s head insert the center of his scope, obtain at depleted 500 rebel he squeezed off a round. A splat bank blood get trapped in the breed as say publicly head sank into say publicly bowels slant the tank.

    That single take part in marked say publicly beginning outline yet on wild disturbance on representation Eastern Leadership. The tanks lobbed a few shots toward interpretation German positions, but associate a occasional minutes they gunned their engines dowel left picture field tell between the exposed boss largely damned Soviet riflemen who plainspoken not food well overwhelm the well-entrenched Germans.


    Finnish Sniper Simo Häyhä

    By Ronald Anderson

    The 1939 war between Finland and Soviet Russia has been a minor inclusion in most histories of World War II. In terms of human resolution and fortitude, though, few battles in military history can compete with the dogged determination of a tiny country of 4 million going head-to-head with a giant neighbor with 150 million citizens.

    If the orders of battle for both countries in the Winter War of 1939-1940 were analyzed prior to the onset of hostilities, the analysts would have most likely told Finland, “You don’t stand a chance!” Everyone would have judged such a contest to be a lost cause that should be avoided through capitulation. Everyone but the Finns, that is.

    In the end, the desire to remain a free and independent nation drove Finland to mount a successful resistance against a vastly superior foe. The Russo-Finnish War, or “Winter War,” provides stories of savage battles fought with great heroism, stories of Finnish ski troops, acts of bravery in unfathomable weather conditions, and the never-say-die attitude that will inspire generations to come, the world over.

    Finland had only gained her independence from Russia in 1917-1920 resulting from developments in World War I. She lived a shaky existence as a free nation unti

  • simo hayha biography of abraham lincoln