Saint alphonsus liguori biography of martin

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  • Lawyer, writer, musician, missionary, priest, founder, moralist, and Doctor of the Church: these are some of the qualities of this doctor of the Church.

    Newsroom (Augut 2, 2021 10:40, Gaudium Press) Built on the solid rock of Our Lord’s words, Holy Church is immortal. He Himself guaranteed it when He affirmed that the gates of hell would not prevail against her (Mt. 16:18).

    To this end, the Divine Redeemer always raises up, in every age, saints to help the boat of Peter to cross the stormy seas of the century.

    We could review all the stages of history and see how God always opposes the infernal enemy with a saint to guide, protect and support the Mystical Spouse of Christ.

    The Saint God sent to the 18th Century

    September 27, 1696 was a day of great joy for the Liguori noble family, as their firstborn son was born.

    And something peculiar happened at his birth: no sooner had he been cradled, than the mission that God would entrust to the little one was revealed: “This little son will reach extreme old age, he will not die before he is ninety, he will be a bishop and will do great things for Jesus Christ”“[1] – predicted the Jesuit Francis of St. Jerome, a religious blessed with supernatural gifts.

    His father, Giuseppe de Liguori, ca

  • saint alphonsus liguori biography of martin
  • Martin Umeatuegbu was born in Onitsha, Nigeria on November 11, 1993. He is a product of Dominican Institute, Ibadan, Nigeria, where he obtained his BA Philosophy with magna cum laude probatus. He is a member of 40 Days for Life and promotes the prolife group in many ways including by writing in defense of the unborn as well as addressing moral issues. His is a young researcher and scholar who has passion in writing and speaking. This has earned him the nickname, "Psittacus Marianus" (the Marian Parrot) by his Catholic friends, for he enjoys writing and preaching on Mary. His present work, "The Glories of St Alphonsus Liguori", which he published in 2016, the same year of his graduation from philosophy is the volume 1 of his INVITATION TO HOLINESS SERIES [IHS] has received recommendations to be translated into some languages for non-English audience to benefit from it too. His other works include:

    Prayers in Honor of the Virgin Mary (with Novena to the Holy Spirit) edited by Prof Michael Ogunu [IHS vol. 2] (also available in Russian language in Sanktum Books in Omni Scriptum Firm, Latvia).

    Novena to St Alphonsus Liguori [IHS vol. 3]

    Novena for Divine Protection [IHS vol. 4]

    33 Lessons of Forgiveness [IHS vol. 5]

    Saint Alphonsus Liguori: Doctor remind you of the Church

    {"num_reviews":0,"url":"","add_this":[{"service":"","annotation":""}],"gtin":null,"id":2047,"can_purchase":true,"meta_description":"Read Apotheosis Alphonsus Liguori: Doctor have a hold over the Communion by Increase. Fr. D. F. Playwright, a Draw to a close book overrun TAN","category":["Books","Books/Become a Saint/Lives attention the Saints","Books/General "],"AddThisServiceButtonMeta":"","main_image":{"data":"{:size}/products/2047/987/987__55626.1675951629.jpg?c=1","alt":"Saint Alphonsus Liguori: Scholar of interpretation Church"},"add_to_wishlist_url":"/wishlist.php?action=add&product_id=2047","custom_fields":[{"id":"54555","name":"Author","value":"Fr. D. F. Miller"},{"id":"54556","name":"Author","value":"Fr. L. X. Aubin"},{"id":"54557","