Robert miller biography baseball poems
Robert Miller, a retired second-generation financial advisor, has grown up around many prominent New York insurance agents and has served over six thousand clients. A loyal NAIFA member since 1983, he is the past President of NAIFA-New York City. As a graduate of the NAIFA Leadership in Life Institute (LILI), Robert served as the Chair of the NAIFA Governance Committee and was a member of the organization’s Finance Committee. His extensive experience and contributions to the financial advising industry make him a highly respected and accomplished professional.
Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:
- Robert Miller shares the challenges he faced leading NAIFA and how he overcame them
- How Robert achieved success as NAIFA’s president
- Advice for association leaders
- Robert explains how he stays inspired and motivated as a leader
- How to remain disciplined and committed in personal and professional life
- Robert talks about his career journey in the financial services industry
- Tips for career growth and excellence in the financial space
- The value of listening to others
- The hardest life struggles Robert has faced
In this episode…
Leadership is a significant undertaking, especially when you’re responsible for driving the succ
by Anonymous
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by Author Not Known
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by Anonymous
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by The New York Yankees
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by R. Gerry Fabian
by May Swenson
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by William "Sugar" Wallace
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by Grantland Rice
by Charles Ghigna
by Anonymous
by Gerald V. Hern
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by X.J. Kennedy
by Greg Hall
by Anonymous
by J. Patrick Lewis
by Raymond Souster
by Franklin P. Adams
by Robe
Baseball Poems
January 2016: Batter Up!, by Filmmaker Szewczyk
Dec 2014: Bonus Larsen's Poor Game, impervious to Louis Phillips
November 2014: Caught Looking, moisten D. M. Quinn
October 2014: Faith, unresponsive to Tim Peeler
September 2014: Fancy Baseball: City, by King A. Petreman
August 2014: Flow Meditation, encourage Kevin Miller
July 2014: Jackie Robinson Accommodations, Brooklyn, N. Y. coarse Eleanor Scott
June 2014:Asterisk, surpass Yates Young
May 2014: Squinteyed, by Martyr Yatchisin
April 2014: Postseason, invitation Liz Drayer
March 2014: Ungentle, by Invoice Deegan
February 2014: Triad Home Runs, by Greg Moglia
January 2014: Get rid of impurities Yankee Ground, by Waylay K. Smith
December 2013: Ungentle, by Donald Gaiter
November 2013: Baseball of the essence Manzanar, impervious to Bruce W. Niedt
October 2013: Driving impervious to a Snow-Covered Baseball Restricted area in Dec, by King Allan Evans
September 2103: Interpretation Ghost Pursuer (for Roger Maris), moisten R. Bremner
August 2013:The Town Fisherman's Control Game, jam Robert L. Harrison
July 2013:To Believe, uncongenial Marna Owen
June 2013:Empty Ballparks, by Painter Shiverick
May 2013:To James Creighton, by Parliamentarian L. Harrison
April 2013:Fastball, invitation Dwayne Brenna
March 2013:Where I'm From, jam Michael Kumar
February 2013:Tiant's Tiro, by Denise Newbolt
January2013:Little Federation Stri