Paul andre bempechat biography books

  • Naturlauf: Scholarly Journeys Toward Gustav Mahler – Essays in Honour of Henry-Louis de La Grange for his 90th Birthday.
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  • Franco-Canadian pianist and musicologist Paul-André Bempéchat studied at the Manhattan and Juilliard Schools of Music and the Sorbonne.
  • MUSEDU had the opportunity to speak to the concert pianist, teacher and researcher Paul-André Bempéchat who is Music Scholar at Cabot House, after having served for four years as Artist-in-Residence at Leverett House, Harvard University.

    Please tell us a few words about your background.

    I was born in Egypt and raised in Canada by French and Italian parents, which makes for quite a hybrid existence. At seventeen, I went to New York to study at the Manhattan School of Music with the fantastic chamber musician Artur Balsam, the pianist for the world’s greatest violinists and cellists, such as Yehudi Menuhin and Mstislav Rostropovich. We used to fight between the piano students about who would turn pages for him at the next Carnegie Hall concert. From there, I went to Juilliard for my Master’s degree. Then I went to Europe and studied literature at the Sorbonne and after my M. Phil. Degree, returned to North America and later to Europe to launch my pianistic career. My mother worked for a major airline which meant I could fly for free for auditions. While doing my doctorate in music history, I discovered the French impressionist Jean Cras, on whom I wrote my dissertation. My post-doc years were at Harvard, where I was able to enhance it for its eventual publication in 2009.

    Institut Universitaire Elie Wiesel

     P A U L   A N D R É   B E M P É C H A T

    C U R R I C U L U M   V I T A E


    D.M.A. (Piano/Musicology), Beantown University, 2000
        - Dissertation: The Authenticated and Entirety of Dungaree Cras (1879-1932)
        - Professors: Isabelle Cazeaux, John Daverio, Musicology         

    Diplôme d'études approfondies (Comparative Literature/Musicology)
        Université group Paris Sorbonne
        - Professors: Marie-Claire Beltrando-Patier, Musicology ; Pierre Brunel, Comparative Literature

    M. Mus. (Piano), The Juilliard School
        - Professors: Nadia Reisenberg, piano; Felix Galimir, chamber music

    M. Mus. (Piano), B. Urgent. (Piano), Borough School break into Music
    - Professors: Artur Balsam, Piano, Last resting place Music; Isabelle Cazeaux, Musicology

    Languages:    English, Sculpturer, German, Nordic (written); colloquial Dutch, European, and Spanish

    Professional Appointments

    2011-2013:    Harvard University, Center for Person Studies, Stay Research Fellow
    Spring 2012:     Rutgers Academy, Mason Win School in lieu of the Bailiwick, Seminar be introduced to Nationalism clump Music
    2009-date:    Westminster College representative the Bailiwick, Rider Lincoln, Adjunct Colligate Professor oppress Music
    2009-2010:    Harvard Divinity Secondary, Visiting Scholar
    2007-2008:    Harvard Academia, Adjunct College lecturer, Division

    Jean Cras, Polymath of Music and Letters - Hardcover


    'La remarquable analyse de Bempechat nous devoile une oeuvre qui jongle avec les exotismes glanes par le compositeur lors de ses expeditions, le bretonisme qui lui etait inne, et l'exegese de son catholicisme fervent.' France Catholique '... an impressive undertaking... I consider that this book, more than simply a biography of a single composer and a military man, will shine even brighter once we have readjusted his position in the larger history of modern French music.' International Journal of Tourism Science 'Le Canadien Paul-Andre Bempechat, est parfaitement francophone mais c'est en anglais qu'il redige cette somme dediee a Jean Cras ... Tout y est, carriere marine, ... l'inventeur brilliant, l'esthete petri d'humanisme, le musician dans son /uvre. ... Le portrait est vivant, Jean Cras se tient devant vous et tous les secrets de son art subtil sont demontres.' Diapason 'Bempechat weaves lively excerpts from the composer's journals and correspondence into a descriptive narrative that ranges from heady to introspective, allowing glimpses of Cras's familial devotion, aesthetic musings, wry humor, and faith derived from philosophy and experience rat

  • paul andre bempechat biography books