Naseem darby biography of george michael
By Kenya Godette
At ODU's annual Spring Commissioning Ceremony, 28 ROTC students from three universities (Old Dominion, Norfolk State and Regent) became officers in the U.S. Army, Navy and Marine Corps.
On May 2 at Chartway Arena, the new ensigns and second lieutenants took an oath to “defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies” and to “well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office.”
“You are about to start the most challenging but rewarding time of your life,” said Capt. Brian C. Becker, commanding officer of Hampton Roads NROTC. “I’m honored to have had the opportunity to lead your training, to get you ready to lead the men and women of our military.”
Austin Agho, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, congratulated the graduates on behalf of the University, noting that they had not only obtained a college degree but had also satisfied the requirements to be commissioned.
“You did not achieve this goal by chance,” Agho said. “You are here because of your determination, resilience, character, persistence, dedication and self-discipline.”
Lt. Donna W. Martin, inspector general of the U.S. Army and ODU alumna, reflected on her own commissioning ceremony in 1988, and emphasized her confidence in the next generation of officers.
Authors: Faisal Mushtaq, Dominik Welke, Anne Gallagher, Yuri G. Pavlov, Layla Kouara, Jorge Bosch-Bayard, Jasper J. F. van den Bosch, Mahnaz Arvaneh, Amy R. Bland, Maximilien Chaumon, Cornelius Borck, Xun He, Steven J. Luck, Maro G. Machizawa, Cyril Pernet, Aina Puce, Sidney J. Segalowitz, Christine Rogers, Muhammad Awais, Claudio Babiloni, Neil W. Bailey, Sylvain Baillet, Robert C. A. Bendall, Daniel Brady, Maria L. Bringas-Vega, Niko A. Busch, Ana Calzada-Reyes, Armand Chatard, Peter E. Clayson, Michael X. Cohen, Jonathan Cole, Martin Constant, Alexandra Corneyllie, Damien Coyle, Damian Cruse, Ioannis Delis, Arnaud Delorme, Damien Fair, Tiago H. Falk, Matthias Gamer, Giorgio Ganis, Kilian Gloy, Samantha Gregory, Cameron D. Hassall, Katherine E. Hiley, Richard B. Ivry, Karim Jerbi, Michael Jenkins, Jakob Kaiser, Andreas Keil, Robert T. Knight, Silvia Kochen, Boris Kotchoubey, Olave E. Krigolson, Nicolas Langer, Heinrich R. Liesefeld, Sarah Lippé, Raquel E. London, Annmarie MacNamara, Scott Makeig, Welber Marinovic, Eduardo Martínez-Montes, Aleya A. Marzuki, Ryan K. Mathew, Christoph Michel, José d. R. Millán, Mark Mon-Williams, Lilia Morales-Chacón, Richard Naar, Gustav Nilsonne, Guiomar Niso, Erika Nyhus, Robert Oostenveld, Katharina Paul, Walter Paulus, Dani