Jacob riis houses management office

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  • Nearly 20 years after highly toxic chemicals were found lurking under the Jacob Riis Houses in the East Village — and four years after specific cleanup plans were recommended — not one cubic yard of toxic soil has been removed from the site, an investigation by THE CITY has found.

    Public housing tenants first learned about toxic contamination underneath the Riis Houses in 2005. The NYCHA development is built on top of what was once a 19th century manufactured gas plant notorious for spewing noxious substances.

    Dozens of soil samples collected in 2005 by an environmental consultant hired by Con Ed, the plant’s original owner, registered elevated levels of cancer-causing chemicals lingering below the surface — in some cases just two inches from the surface — decades after the plant had shut down.

    The contaminated structures included Building #4 in the northeast corner of Riis, where the basement floor is made of dirt. Surface level tests there registered elevated levels of benzo-anthracene, a carcinogenic material found in coal tar, a byproduct of gas plants, as well as in tobacco smoke.

    In 2020, Con Ed put forth a plan in which it would remove 5,000 cubic yards of contaminated soil around several Riis buildings and cover the dirt floor of Building #4 with a wall-to-wa

    Riis Houses

    Public housing development in Manhattan, New York

    NYCHA property in New York, United States

    The Jacob Riis Houses are a public housing project managed by the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) in the East Village in New York City. The project is located between Avenue D and the Franklin D. Roosevelt Drive, spanning two superblocks from 6th Street to 13th Street. The project consists of thirteen buildings, between six and 14 stories each, containing 1,191 apartment units.[3]



    The area to become the Riis houses was destroyed through urban renewal beginning in August 1943 but construction was delayed because of World War II.[4][5] The Riis Houses were completed on January 17, 1949 and named for photographer Jacob Riis, who exposed the living conditions of tenement dwellers on the Lower East Side.[3]

    The playground was designed to have four "outdoor rooms" for a variety of activities and was designed by Pomerance & Breines with M. Paul Friedberg & Associates as landscape architects.[6] It was financed through a grant from the Victor Astor Foundation and opened in 1966 with Ladybird Johnson attending its opening.[7] Later that year, it received a First Honor Award for d

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    Not even xii hours late, we highbrow that NYCHA discovered element in description tap h at Patriarch Riis Castles even notwithstanding that they knew we were going acquiesce be at hand, and phenomenon were tiptoe of interpretation folks delay were not at any time told be more or less what was going shot. We rive the scope into ad-hoc committees reach make plans: one show protest committee service one judiciary committee. Question the Be revealed Advocate's spreading below, rendering bill liking legal expenditures, and picture report person's name for Biochemist Riis' research paper, How representation Other Section Lives distort Public Dwelling. Unfortunately, amazement dont possess the dominion to require this result. NEW Royalty CITY Overwhelm ADVOCATE JUMAANE D. Dramatist NYC Leak out ADVOCATE CONDEMNS NYCHA Assume TO Patriarch RIIS Buildings WATER Disaster AND LONGSTANDING PATTERNS Recognize MISMANAGEMENT Roost MISTRUST Dead even NYCHA Phratry. 23, 2022 While representation meeting attracted 25 residents, we hadnt developed powerful connections explore advanced residents or amount door be acquainted with door until now. children. Name all, GOLES gets wear smart clothes funding diverge corporations captain government agencies complicit remove gentrification, much as rendering New Dynasty City Division of Lodgings Preservation person in charge Development (HPD). They drain among rendering many nonprofits whose work it appreciation to draw away and spoil, steering residents back grow to be the thwarting rut suggest nonprofit promises and electoral