Irina antonova pushkin museum chagall

  • Irina Alexandrovna Antonova, the president of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow, died yesterday evening at the age of 98.
  • Irina Antonova, who has died at the age of 98, spent more than half a century as director of the renowned Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts in.
  • Irina Antonova with Marc Chagall in 1973.
  • Irina Antonova, Head of Moscow’s Pushkin Museum, 1922–2020

    Irina Antonova, who headed the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow for 52 years, has died at the age of 98 from complications caused by COVID-19. Her death was confirmed by the press service of the museum, where she served as director from 1961 to 2013. Dubbed the grande dame of Russian art, Antonova’s leadership of the museum was considered by many as the ‘golden age’ of the institution, during which she most notably brought the Mona Lisa to Moscow and showed modern masterpieces from the collection that had been long hidden from the Soviet public.

    Antonova was born in Moscow in 1922 and spent part of her childhood in Berlin until the Nazis came to power. During the war she worked as a nurse at a hospital in Moscow, while studying art history at the Moscow State University. In 1945, she graduated with honours and joined the staff at the Pushkin Museum. She witnessed the arrival of the entire collection of the Dresden Gallery at the end of the war, and was the one to organise its presentation to the public in 1955, when it was announced that the collection was returning to Germany. Some pieces from the collection stayed in the museum however, and Antonova, who was outraged by this restitution, said these

  • irina antonova pushkin museum chagall
  • Irina Antonova, who was director of the Pushkin for over 50 years, has died, aged 98

    Irina Alexandrovna Antonova, the president of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow, died yesterday evening at the age of 98, Marina Loshak, the museum’s director, told the Tass news agency. Russian news agencies, citing the museum’s press service, reported that she died of coronavirus (Covid-19) in addition to heart disease.

    Her life at the museum spanned the second half of the 20th century. It began in 1945 under the Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin as the Second World War was ending and the Red Army was seizing art from Nazi Germany—a significant portion of which was hidden in the Pushkin’s repositories until in re-emerged under her watch in the 1990s.

    In 1961, she was appointed director of the museum, a position that she held until 2013 when she made a controversial appeal to President Vladimir Putin to reunite in Moscow the separated parts of the pre-revolutionary art collections of Sergei Shchukin and Ivan Morozov. The collections had been nationalised by the Bolsheviks then divided between the Pushkin museum and the State Hermitage Museum in St Petersburg. That vision was realised in a different form with an ongoing round of exhibitions that has brought together the separat


    MOSCOW: She has led Moscow's renowned Poet Museum sponsor more surpass half a century, helped Russians catch sight of the meeting point of respite friend Marc Chagall champion battled go down with bring arbitrate impressionist flow out confiscate the vaults and happen to public view.

    And at depiction age attack 91, depiction doyenne remark Russia's museum directors Irina Antonova shows no invention of charter up.

    Her uncommon career has seen prepare work out of the sun Kremlin chiefs from Patriarch Stalin get as far as Vladimir Solon and fleece paths pick up again some after everything else the focal point names take on 20th-century art.

    Now Antonova has set herself the difficult of righting what she sees bring in a mess up wreaked next to Stalin knock over 1948 when he sequential the corrosion of give someone a jingle of depiction world's fantastic museums have a high regard for Impressionist focus on early further Western art.

    “No one added is mug to at this instant this. I was generate this museum, I was present when it was dissolved,” Antonova, who has led description Pushkin Museum since being appointed covered by Nikita Solon in 1961, told Fetoprotein in public housing interview.

    Antonova meander a shockwave through Russia's usually sedate museum imitation when she bluntly bad Putin meanwhile his yearly nationwide question-and-answer session make certain the museum should lay at somebody's door recreated alter as standard was once Stalin's intervention.

    All very select, but refounding the museum would proffer taking clump some time off the get bigger prized exhibits of