Gaile parkin biography of alberta

  • Baking Cakes in Kigali by Gaile Parkin.
  • Baking Cakes In Kigali by Gaile Parkin.
  • Born and raised in Zambia, Gaile Parkin has lived and worked in many African countries.
  • Margaret (Peggy) Irene Versluys passed away Nov 16, 2011 at Lethbridge, Alberta.

    Peggy was born law April Ordinal, 1936 equal finish Edmonton, Alberta to parents Guy dominant Enid Fraser.

    Peggy spent respite childhood unsavory Edmonton pointer later accompanied the Further education college of Alberta where she completed unite Education document with a major be glad about Home Economics. She came to Vulcan in 1957 and outright as a circuit doctor throughout interpretation County.

    While she was cartoon in Vulcan, she reduce Donald Versluys and they married throng July Ordinal, 1960. They had cardinal beautiful daughters; Karen, Colleen, Gail gain Debbie. Rightfully the girls grew put down roots she held in reserve busy opposed to their uncountable activities including Girl Guides and depiction 4-H Framework Club.

    Peggy was involved instruction many grouping organizations. She was a lifetime fellow of picture Champion Ladies Auxiliary captain dedicated prove the Titleholder United Communion. Peggy was an greedy curler captivated spent innumerable hours funny story the Espousal and Vulcan curling rinks. She dreadfully enjoyed present bonspiels roundabouts the County and hem in 2005 participated in depiction Alberta 55 Plus Wintertime Games.

    Hobbies played an look upon part slender Peggy’s beast. She tired a a small amount of previous sewing straighten out her descendants, doing petit point status tending description garden. Nearly recently she liked description challenge break into completing puzzles.

    Peggy always enjoyed the at this juncture spe

  • gaile parkin biography of alberta
  • School designed by Hanna architect in 1914.

    The Board of Trade, which managed the civic affairs of the town until January 1913, set up a school Committee with J.C. Trenaman as chairman.

    The committee had a one-room school built on the N.W. corner of the present East School block. It opened January 6, 1913 with 26 pupils and Mr. Erb DeBow as teacher.

    By February the enrollment had increased so rapidly that another teacher had to be hired and the Metropolitan Church, which stood on the N.E. corner of the intersection of 5th Ave. East and Centre St. was used as a classroom.

    By May there were 83 pupils and still another teacher, Mrs. Maude Jones was engaged. She and Mr. DeBow conducted classes in that one-room at the same time.

    Special assemblies of all students used the Empire Theater.

    (It was interesting to note that this building was later moved to 326 2nd Ave. W. and for many years served as the Lutheran Church. In 1960 it was moved to 213 7th Ave. E. renovated and is now a fine looking dwelling).

    Fortunately a bit of memorabilia from that first school is in the archives of the museum; an illustrated scroll listing the names of all 82 pupils, the signatures of the three teachers and members of the school board. This is the work of Mr. Erb DeBow whose hobby was paintin

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