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Electrical & Computer Engineering
Dr. Sifat Momen received his PhD degree in from the University of Sheffield, UK. In September , Dr. Momen joined as an Assistant Professor in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) of North South University (NSU). He is currently employed in the same department as an Associate Professor. Prior to joining NSU, Dr. Momen worked as an Assistant Professor for nearly six years in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB). He also served as the acting Head of the Department at ULAB, for some time. His PhD research was at the crossroads of biology and engineering, and was heavily influenced by the behavior of eusocial insects, which are well-known for their self-organizing abilities. He was involved as an RA (Research Associate) within the ANTLab of the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Bristol, UK. His current research interests center around complex systems, machine learning, and information systems. He is an active researcher and regularly reviews numerous conference papers and journal articles.
Research Areas
Research Interests
Machine learning, Swarm intelligence, Social behavior
Selected Publications
- Md Shawmoon
- A cholera outbreak in Alborz Province, Iran: a matched case-control study
- Ghobad Moradi, Mohammad Aziz Rasouli, Parvin Mohammadi, Elham Elahi, Hojatollah Barati
- Epidemiol Health. ;e Published online May 14,
- DOI:
- 22, View
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- 7 Web of Science
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- AbstractPDF
A total of confirmed cholera cases were reported in Alborz Province during an outbreak that lasted from June to August This study aimed to identify potential sources of transmission in order to determine suitable interventions in similar outbreaks. In other words, the lessons learned from this retrospective study can be utilized to manage future similar outbreaks.METHODS
An age-matched and sex-matched case-control study was conducted during the outbreak. For each case, two control subjects were selected from the neighborhood. A case of cholera was defined as a bacteriologically confirmed case with signs and symptoms of cholera. This study was conducted from June 14, through August 23, The data were analyzed by calculating odds ratios (ORs) using the logistic regression method.RESULTS
In this outbreak, confirmed cholera cases were diagnosed. The following risk factors were found to be associated with cholera•