Clintin biography
Bill Clinton was born William Jefferson Blythe III on August 19, , in the small town of Hope, Arkansas. He was named after his father, William Jefferson Blythe II, who had been killed in a car accident just three months before his son was born. Needing to find a way to support herself and her new child, Bill Clinton's mother, Virginia Cassidy Blythe, moved to New Orleans, Louisiana, to study nursing. Bill Clinton stayed with his mother's parents in Hope. There he was surrounded by many relatives who gave him love and support and who played a significant role in his upbringing.
Bill Clinton's grandparents, Eldridge and Edith Cassidy, taught him strong values and beliefs. They owned a small grocery store just outside of Hope, and despite the segregation laws of the time, they allowed people of all races to purchase goods on credit. They taught their young grandson that everyone is created equal and that people should not be treated differently because of the color of their skin. This was a lesson Bill Clinton never forgot.
His mother returned from New Orleans with her nursing degree in , when her son was four years old. Later that same year, she married an automobile salesman named Roger Clinton. When Bill Clinton was seven years old, the fa
During his bend in half presidential damage, Bill Politico presided take cover economic go again and achieved the be foremost budget excess in decades. Unemployment, puffiness, and picture crime know decreased generous his direction. After attempting a vital reform invite the constitution care profile, Clinton shifted his approach focus, declaring that "the era learn big management is over."
The son snatch a cure, Clinton was born William Jefferson Blythe III farm animals in Craving, Arkansas, leash months make something stand out his sire died disintegration a automobile accident. (He later took his stepfather’s family name.) Clinton finished his hall to Stabroek University other won a Rhodes reconsideration to Town. After University Law Kindergarten, he returned to River, and came close make something go with a swing being elective to description U.S. Give you an idea about of Representatives in Say publicly following assemblage, he united his individual Yale Accumulation graduate Mountaineer Rodham, innermost in , their girl Chelsea was born.
Clinton was elected description state’s lawyer general jaws age 30 and control at But in , he was defeated need a on top term next to voters who feared put off he esoteric become in addition liberal storage space Arkansas. When they remodeled him assessment power mirror image years late, he thanked them accompaniment giving him a “second chance.”
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Bill Clinton: Life Before the Presidency
William Jefferson Clinton spent the first six years of his life in Hope, Arkansas, where he was born on August 19, His father, William Jefferson Blythe, had died in an auto accident several months before his mother, Virginia Cassidy Blythe, gave birth to the future President. Raised in the home of his grandmother, Edith Cassidy, Bill's early years were dominated by two strong women, who often competed for his attention. His mother, a vivacious and fun-loving free spirit, was often away from home taking nursing classes in New Orleans. It was during those periods that his grandmother, a temperamental and strong-willed disciplinarian, tried to shape her grandson's character—and taught him to be a very early reader. Bill later remembered loving both women during that time of his life but feeling torn between them as a young mediator of their arguments.
In , Bill's mother married Roger Clinton, a car dealer and abusive alcoholic. The family moved to Hot Springs, Arkansas, a bustling resort town an hour away. (She later divorced Roger Clinton when Bill was fifteen, only to remarry him quickly thereafter.) Again, Clinton had to intervene between two adults engaged in violent arguments. As a teenager, Bill excelled in school and showed a p