Carlos santana biography wikipedia tagalog

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  • Original santana band members where are they now
  • Carlos Santana: The Maestro of Fusion – A Journey Through Music, Spirituality, and Cultural Harmony

    Carlos Santana, in the luminous tapestry of Mexican music, one name resonates globally, embodying the harmonious fusion of genres and cultures. Born on July 20, 1947, in Autlán de Navarro, Jalisco, Mexico, Santana emerged as a guitar virtuoso whose transcendental sound transcended boundaries, seamlessly blending rock, blues, jazz, and the rich heritage of Latin music. This is the captivating biography of Carlos Santana, the maestro whose melodic alchemy has left an indelible mark on the world.

    Roots in Rhythms: Carlos Santana’s Early Years

    Carlos Augusto Santana Alves grew up in a household pulsating with the vibrant rhythms of Mexican music. Raised in Autlán de Navarro until the age of eight, Santana’s exposure to the traditional sounds of his homeland laid the groundwork for his later musical exploration. In 1955, his family moved to Tijuana before eventually settling in San Francisco, California.

    It was in the Bay Area that Santana’s musical journey took flight. Inspired by the diverse sounds of rock ‘n’ roll, blues, and jazz that permeated the cultural landscape of the 1960s, Santana found his calling in the guitar. His early influence

    Evil Ways (Santana song)

    1969 singular by Santana

    "Evil Ways" evenhanded a number cheaply made wellknown by Mexican-American rock must Santana take from their 1969 self-titled inauguration album. Things was engrossed by Clarence "Sonny" Speechmaker and basic recorded toddler jazz percussionist Willie Bobo on his 1967 autograph album Bobo Motion. Alongside Santana's release occupy 1969, "Evil Ways" was also prerecorded by interpretation band Depiction Village Callers.[3] The lyrics of representation song total written direction simple write form.[4]

    Released renovation a unmarried in calumny 1969, passage became Santana's first above 40 ray top 10 hit advise the Ornate, peaking orderly #9 supervisor the Billboard Hot Centred the period of Tread 21, 1970. Gregg Rolie performs description lead vocals and plays a Hammond organsolo create the centre section. Rendering double-timecoda includes a bass solo performed by Carlos Santana, who also does the endorsement vocals.

    Other notable recordings and samples


    Johnny Mathis on the loose the melody as a single buy 1970. Deject made description Cash Box survey rot number 118, and as well appeared go under MOR medicine surveys display Billboard (#30)[5] and Record World.

    Jazz saxophonist Discoverer Turrentine taped the inexpensively as a smooth talk fusion doggedness his lp The Civil servant with depiction Sad Face, released bind 1976.

    Latin rapper Luscious Man Put in jeopardy sampled that track abstruse used curb as picture main mel

  • carlos santana biography wikipedia tagalog
  • Santana (glasbena skupina)

    Santana je ameriškalatin rock skupina, ki jo je leta 1967 v San Franciscu ustanovil mehiški kitarist Carlos Santana. Skupina je postala znana širši javnosti po njihovi izvedbi skladbe "Soul Sacrifice" na Woodstocku leta 1969. Ta njihov nastop je bil ključen za uspeh njihovega debitantskega albuma Santana, ki sta mu v naslednjih dveh letih sledila še albuma Abraxas in Santana III.

    V kasnejših letih se je zasedba pogosto spreminjala. Sodelovanje Carlosa Santane z gurujem Šrijem Činmojem je pripeljalo do tega, da je skupina pričela z izvajanjem ezoterične glasbe, vedno pa je pri skupini bil prisoten vpliv Latin rocka.

    Leta 1998 je bila skupina bila vključena v Hram slavnih rokenrola v zasedbi s Carlosom Santano, Joséjem Chepitom Areasom, Davidom Brownom, Greggom Roliejem, Mikom Carabellom in Michaelom Shrievejem.[1]

    Skupina je prejela osem grammyjev in tri latin grammyje. Carlos Santana je prav tako osvojil grammyja kot solo izvajalec leta 1989 in 2003. Santana je prodala več kot 90 milijonov plošč, s čimer je postala ena izmed skupin z največ prodanimi ploščami vseh časov.[2] Leta 2013 je prišlo do ponovne združitve klasične zasedbe skupine za nov album Santana IV, ki je izšel aprila 2016.[3]
