Carl henry brueggen biography of william
Stavros Panageas (UCLA)
A Long and a Short Leg Make For a Wobbly Equilibrium
Andreas Fuster (EPFL)
Does CFPB Oversight Crimp Credit?
Alexandra Niessen-Ruenzi (University of Mannheim)
The Value of Skill Signals for Women's Careers
Andrea Vedolin (Boston University)
Jensen Bounds: Testable Restrictions on Asset Pricing Models
Sebastian Hillenbrand (Harvard Business School)
Heterogeneous Beliefs and Stock Market Fluctuations
Laurent E. Calvet (EDHEC Business School)
A Supply and Demand Approach to Capital Markets
Winston W. Dou (University of Pennsylvania)
Competition Network: Distress Spillovers and Predictable Industry Returns
Yueran Ma (University of Chicago Booth)
100 Years of Rising Corporate Concentration
Liyan Yang (Rotman School of Management)
Disclosing and Cooling-Off: An Analysis of Insider Trading Rules
Lin William Cong (Cornell University)
Uncommon Factors for Bayesian Asset Clusters
Sabrina Howell (NYU Stern School of Business)
All Clear for Takeoff: Evidence from Airports on the Effects of Infrastructure Privatization
William Fuchs (McCombs School of Business)
Time Trumps Quantity in the Mark
Oldenburg / Front line Bruggen
50 Age of Konrad Fischer Galerie 1967-2017
15. Sep 2017 - 25. Nov 2017
WITH A Apply OF Flawless - Deal in A Scrap OF Mauve - Channel of communication A Inkling OF Sour - DOROTHEE FISCHER - IN MEMORIAM
03. Jun 2016 - 23. Jul 2016
Claes Oldenburg
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2024. "'There is a Great Difference between Christianity and Religion at the South': References to Religion in Harriet Jacobs's Slave Narrative Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl (1861)." In: Wolfram Kinzig & Barbara Loose (eds.), Control, Coercion, and Constraint: The Role of Religion in Overcoming and CreatingStructures of Dependency. Berlin: De Gruyter. 109-125.
2024. "Humanity and its Others: (Post-Darwinist) Stories of the Origins of Humankind." In: Julia A.B. Hegewald & Marion Gymnich (eds.), Images and Stories of the Origins of the World and of Humankind. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. 433-451. (with Klaus Scheunemann)
2024. "Introduction: Images and Stories of the Origins of the World and of Humankind in Traditional and Modern Contexts." In: Julia A.B. Hegewald & Marion Gymnich (eds.), Images and Stories of the Origins of the World and of Humankind. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. 1-12. (with Julia A.B. Hegewald)
2024. "The Rhetoric of Orphanhood." In: Anna Cermakova & Michaela Mahlberg (eds.), Children's Literature and Childhood Discourses. London: Bloomsbury Academic. 53-72.
2024. "E.R. Eddison's The Worm Ouroboros: Epic Fantasy Before Tolkien." In: Ingo Berensmeyer & Dorothee Birke (eds.), The Unknown 1922: Literary Explorations Beyond Mod