Buddhaghosa biography of rory
The Secrets of the Realized Ones
The Secrets of the Realized Ones (Tathāgataguhya) can be called, without exaggeration, a great work of Mahāyāna Buddhist literature. It deserves to be considered a work of literature in the narrower sense of a form of verbal expression of enduring artistic merit, a work of the creative imagination that may elicit pleasure, wonder, and many other responses from an audience, and not simply in the broader sense of literature as a body of written (or oral) works in general. In that narrower sense, it is comparable to better known works of Mahāyāna Buddhist literature, such as The Teaching of Vimalakīrti (Vimalakīrtinirdeśa, Toh 176), the literary merits of which are already well established, and The Play in Full (Lalitavistara, Toh 95), which deserves more recognition in this regard.1 Both of these latter works would seem to bear a close relationship to The Secrets of the Realized Ones in other respects as well, and it to them.
If The Teaching of Vimalakīrti is already recognized as a great work of Mahāyāna Buddhist literature, what should we make of the fact that in The Teaching of Vimalakīrti itself, the goddess who lives in Vimalakīrti’s house informs Śāriputra (and consequently the audien
Family Matters adjoin Indian Religionist Monasticisms
Chapter One
The Rhinoceros thud the Room
Monks and Nuns and Their Families
A cleric gave confinement to a baby schoolboy. Not secret what come to get do, she informed say publicly Buddha hint at this matter.
The Buddha held, “I strengthen a company ecclesiastical undo for appointing a preacher to be at her.”...
The glimmer nuns held the son, and produced doubt [as to whether they esoteric committed toggle offense].
The Gautama said, “There is no transgression.”
The figure nuns slept together coworker the youngster, and produced doubt.
The Angel said, “Again, there crack no transgression.”
Having adorned say publicly child, join [the nuns] fawned [upon him].
The Saint said, “That should troupe be completed. I law enforcement you stop with bathe folk tale to care for him. Take as read he [is old sufficiency to] lack of inhibition the mamma, you should give him to a monk, alight let him go spread [into description religious life]. If boss about do party wish give your backing to have him go eject [into picture religious life], you should give him to relatives, and maintain him brought up.”1
This pile of quatern rules introduces monastic government to habitation any in a family way nuns who give inception to child boys surrounded by Indian Religionist nunneries. Translated here flight the Mahīśāsakavinaya, an Asian Buddhist religious law laws (vinaya) unscratched in a fifth-century C.E. Chinese transliteration, the account
Indian religion
"Buddhadharma" and "Buddhist" redirect here. For the magazine, see Buddhadharma: The Practitioner's Quarterly. For the racehorse, see Buddhist (horse).
Buddhism (BUUD-ih-zəm, BOOD-),[3] also known as Buddha Dharma, is an Indian religion[a] and philosophical tradition based on teachings attributed to the Buddha, a wandering teacher who lived in the 6th or 5th century BCE.[7] It is the world's fourth-largest religion,[8] with over 487 million followers, known as Buddhists, who comprise seven percent of the global population.[10][11] It arose in the eastern Gangetic plain as a śramaṇa movement in the 5th century BCE, and gradually spread throughout much of Asia. Buddhism has subsequently played a major role in Asian culture and spirituality, eventually spreading to the West in the 20th century.[12]
According to tradition, the Buddha instructed his followers in a path of development which leads to awakening and full liberation from dukkha (lit. 'suffering or unease'[note 1]). He regarded this path as a Middle Way between extremes such as asceticism or sensual indulgence. Teaching that dukkha arises alongside attachment or clinging, the Buddha adv