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  • Book Notes editor for the Journal of African Christian Biography.
  • Bae, Young Ki ; Affiliation: Young Ki-Bae Lab ; Address: Tumor Microenvironment Research Branch, Division of Cancer Biology, Research Institute, National Cancer.
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  • bo bae ki biography books free download
  • A Concise History of Korea: From Antiquity to the Present [3 ed.] 1538128985, 9781538128985

    Table of contents :
    Primary Source Readings
    Preface to the Third Edition
    1. The Origins
    2. The Period of the Three Kingdoms, Fourth Century to 676
    3. Late Silla, 676 to 935
    4. Koryŏ, 935 to 1170
    5. Military Rulers and Mongol Invaders, 1170 to 1392
    6. The Neo-Confucian Revolution and the Chosŏn State, 1392 to the Eighteenth Century
    7. Chosŏn Society
    8. Late Chosŏn, Early Eighteenth Century to 1876
    9. Korea in the Age of Imperialism, 1876 to 1910
    10. Colonial Korea, 1910 to 1945
    11. Division and War, 1945 to 1953
    12. North Korea: Recovery, Transformation, and Decline, 1953 to 1993
    13. South Korea: From Poverty to Prosperity, 1953 to 1997
    14. South Korea: Creating a Democratic Society, 1953 to 1997
    15. Contemporary North Korea, 1993 to 2019
    16. Contemporary South Korea, 1997 to 2019
    Appendix. Romanization
    Glossary of Korean Words
    Annotated Selected Bibliography
    About the Author

    Citation preview

    A Concise History of Korea From Antiquity to the Present Third Edition

    Michael J. Seth

    James Madison University


    Lanham • Boulder • New York • London

    Executive Editor: Susan McEachern Assistant Edito

    Books About Korean Cinema

    The following is an almost-comprehensive list of the books that have been published on Korean cinema. Below you can also find a selected list of related titles that might be of interest to Korean film enthusiasts, as well as some books published in other languages. If you know of additional books that you feel should be included on this page, please contact me.

    Books in English

    ACTIVISM AND POST-ACTIVISM: KOREAN DOCUMENTARY CINEMA, 1981-2022 (2024) by Jihoon Kim. Oxford University Press: hardcover (ISBN: 978-0197760413), paperback (ISBN: 978-0197760420), ebook, 328 pp.

    Publisher's intro: "Activism and Post-activism: Korean Documentary Cinema, 1981-2022 is a new book about nonfiction filmmaking in the private and independent sectors of South Korean cinema and media from the early 1980s to the present day. Drawing on the methodologies of documentary studies, experimental film and video, digital cinema, local discourses on independent documentary, and the literature on the social changes of South Korea, author Jihoon Kim historicizes the formation and development of Korean independent documentary in close dialogue with South Korea's social movements. From the 1980s mass anti-dictatorship movement to twenty-first-century labor issues, feminism