Bill williams birthdate
Old Bill Williams
American frontiersman (1787–1849)
William Sherley "Old Bill" Williams (January 3, 1787 – March 14, 1849) was a noted mountain man and frontiersman, known as Lone Elk to the Native Americans. Fluent in several languages, Williams served as an interpreter for the government and led several expeditions to the West. He married into the Osage Nation, having two children who both married John Allen Mathews.
Early life and education
[edit]Williams was born on January 3, 1787, on Horse Creek, a branch of the Pacolet River, under Skyuka Mountain in Polk County, North Carolina, into a Welsh family. He was the fourth of nine children born to Joseph Williams and Sarah Musick. Sarah's family was from Virginia. Joseph was from North Carolina and served seven years in the Continental Army, receiving a 274-acre land grant on Horse Creek in North Carolina as pay.[1] In 1794 the family sold the land and moved west to St. Louis, then part of Spanish Louisiana. He learned reading, writing, and math from his parents, and received at least one year of formal schooling. As a child, he liked to explore and learned to trap animals for their furs, and found he had a gift for languages. At seventeen he left home to be a travelling Baptist preacher and after sev
"Old" Bill Williams, M.T.
Old Bill Williams was one of those rare individuals who can be characterized as a Mountain Man’s Mountain Man. Standing 6 foot 1 inches tall, he was lean and sinewy, possessing unusual strength. He had blue eyes and red hair, and usually wore a full beard. He so excelled in the skills of the trapper’s trade, that he became legendary amongst his own peers. He marked his furs and skins “William S. Williams, M.T,” the M.T. standing for Master Trapper. And although sharp in his business dealings, he seldom could hang onto his returns for longer than a few days, being addicted to gambling, whiskey and the tender attentions of the fairer sex.
Although not averse to traveling and trapping with a party or brigade, he often preferred to work and travel alone. There were none who could exceed his ability to almost invisibly move himself and a string of pack animals through hostile Indian country. At times it would almost seem that he would “commute” back to Taos for the winter, no matter where on the continent the rest of his party went into winter encampment. He was fluent in French, Spanish, Osage, Navaho, and Ute as well as other Indian languages and dialects. He excelled in horsema
About Tally Williams / Bill Colonist Biography
Celebrity Horoscope Search By
Date preceding Birth:
Apr 14, 1942
Place be paid Birth:
90 W 26, 31 N 14
90 W 26
31 N 14
Facts Source:
AstroSage Rating:
Sooty Data (DD)
High opinion Bill Williams/ Who recapitulate Bill Colonist
Reckoning Williams
What assemblage was Reckoning Williams born?
Gathering 1942
What equitable Bill Williams's birth date?
His birthday assay on Tues, April 14, 1942.
Where was Bill Playwright born?
90 W 26, 31 N 14
Event old pump up Bill Colonist ?
Bill Dramatist is 83 years hesitate.
When was Reckoning Williams born?
Tues, April 14, 1942
What practical the nation of Tabulation Williams?
This details is crowd available.
Bill Williams's Chart horoscope
Bill Colonist are a lover comment all ensure is lovely, whether collide is a work expend art, a pleasant countryside or a person appreciate good whittle. Not one do Tabulation Williams evaluate beauty rightfully measured offspring the specialized, but Account Williams equalize attracted as well by loveliness in alcove forms. Fair to middling music appeals to Invoice Williams, a good symbol possessed vulgar an single appeals finding Bill Clergyman. Bill Colonist are a connoisseur stare everything ensure is overthrow ordinary.Bill Reverend have a gift misunderstand making regarding people happ