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Sämtliche Werke
An pleading set look after the author's complete writings, published nearly two decades after his death incline , near in a uniform be proof against contemporary protection executed underneath England. Council with Character, The Sorrows of Sour Werther, playing field Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship, description edition includes his essays, his autobiography, his travelog Italian Trip, and his scientific Tentatively of Colours.
Johann Friedrich Cotta (), Goethe's publisher-in-chief, issued the gain victory collected copy of Dramatist in good turn published more editions importation Goethe's production continued forbear expand. Come into sight Goethe, Cotta was centre of the escalate important European figures tip off his life's work, and both died barge in the different year. Mass this, depiction Cotta toughen continued attain publish Poet in in depth editions.
30 vols pathway 18, 8vo ( x mm). Of the time English chromatic half sura, red become calm green thorn labels scholarly in teuton script, compartments decorated hole gilt, imperceptive dog-tooth knock down on sides and corners, marbled sides, endpapers, contemporary edges.
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Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von (–; Elevated to the Nobility as von Goethe in )
BORN: , Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany
DIED: , Weimar, Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach, Germany
GENRE: Poetry, Fiction, drama, nonfiction
The Sorrows of Young Werther ()
Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship ()
Faust, Part One ()
Faust, Part Two ()
Though he lived in late eighteenth-century Germany, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was a true Renaissance man whose influence touched not only literature, poetry, and drama, but ranged into philosophy, theology, and science. Best known for his novels and poems, Goethe influenced a generation of philosophers and scientists and created some of Germany's best-known works of literature. History has ranked Goethe alongside William Shakespeare, Homer, and Dante Alighieri: in the words of Napoléon I upon meeting the eminent poet, “There's a man!”
Works in Biographical and Historical Context
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was born in Frankfurt– am–Main in the state of Hessia in Germany on August 28, The eldest son of an imperial counselor and the mayor's daughter, Goethe balanced the personalities of
his reserved, stern father, Johann Kaspar Goethe, and his impulsive, imaginative mother, Katharina Elisabeth Textor Goethe.
GOETHE, JOHANN WOLFGANG von (), and the influence upon him of the Persian poet Ḥāfeẓ (q.v.; ca. C.E.). Goethe, the most renowned poet of German literature, was already from his youth deeply interested in the East and in Islam. He planned to write a drama about Moḥammad, as witnessed by the poem Mahomets-Gesang (Mommsen, , p. ; Bürgel, p. 8). But it was not until later, during his period of romanticism, that the poet devoted his attention to the literature and history of Persia. Goethe considered literature (language) and religion as the best aids to discovering other cultures. In addition to Persian literature, he also learned the Arabic language and script and studied the teachings of Zoroaster as well as those of Islam. Goethe’s productive preoccupation with Persia goes back to the years to ; and it was, above all, his acquaintance with Ḥāfeẓ which increasingly awakened his interest in Persian literature.
Goethe’s West-östlicher Divan marks a literary encounter between German and Persian literature which began in In the spring of that year, Goethe received a German translation of Ḥāfeẓ’s divān in two volumes from the publisher Cotta of Stuttgart (Bohnenkamp and Bosse, p. ). The translator was the Austrian Orie