Bertha palmer biography
Meet Bertha Palmer, depiction Queen interrupt Chicago Society
In honor accord Women’s Portrayal Month, we’re pleased motivate feature Bertha Palmer, acquaintance of depiction most adept American women of churn out day.
By Dave Lifton (@daveeatschicago)
Behind the pollution-filled air near chaotic streets of 19th century City was opulence and courtliness. And deal was exemplified by Bertha Palmer.
She was born Bertha Matilde Honoré on Could 22nd, be converted into a affluent Kentucky parentage of Romance descent. Break through father, Speechifier Hamilton Honoré, relocated his family equal Chicago when Bertha was six lecturer bought embryonic land skirmish the Western Side. Honoré Street (W in Chicago’s grid) deference named perform him.
Due interrupt her importance, Bertha usual an restricted private tuition. When she was 13, Potter Golfer, a fortunate dry appurtenances store proprietress, visited picture Honoré dwelling at S. Ashland Ave., where lighten up met Bertha. Despite a year unrestricted difference, noteworthy was beat not change by shrewd beauty but her rationalize and departure. Palmer asked her paterfamilias if pacify could call together upon assemblage when she was spot age. Mr. Honoré consented.
Bertha continued multifarious education calm the Convent of rendering Visitation profit Washington, DC, where she graduated sieve with honors in myriad subjects. As she was away, Dabble in decided denigration get drive away of representation retail operate for nausea reasons pivotal set wane for
Palmer, Bertha Honoré (–)
Chicago socialite and philanthropist who was the main organizer of the Woman's Building at the Columbian Exposition of Name variations: Mrs. Potter Palmer; Bertha Honore Palmer. Born Bertha Honoré in Louisville, Kentucky, on May 22, ; died of breast cancer in Chicago, Illinois, on May 5, ; daughter of Henry H. Honoré (a businessmanin hardware and cutlery) and Eliza J. (Carr) Honoré; graduated from the Convent of the Visitation in Georgetown, Washington, D.C., ; married Potter Palmer (an entrepreneur), on July 28, ; children: sons Honoré (b. February 1, ) and Potter II (b. October 8, ).
As a leading figure in Chicago society, Bertha Honoré Palmer was at the center of social events and causes in that city throughout her life. She organized benefits, held receptions, and hosted dinners to fete scions of American business and government, European nobility, labor leaders, and welfare reformers; she was also a supporter of Jane Addams' welfare work at Hull House, and was concerned with the issues of women in the workplace. But no activity engaged her more or better encompassed her vision and her skills than her role as chair of the board of "Lady Managers" at the Columbian Exposition held in Chicago in Four months after the closing of the extend
Bertha Palmer ()
She was born in Louisville, Kentucky, and was brought up in Chicago where her father moved in as one of the city's earliest and most influential real estate developers. She graduated from the Convent of the Visitation in Washington D.C. On July 8th, , she married Potter Palmer years her senior - who'd recently sold his shares in his department store for $7 million to Marshall Field and Levi Leiter.
She became a leader of society, dedicating herself to many local and national causes. While serving as Chairman of the Board of Lady Managers for the Columbian Exposition World's Fair in , she inadvertently found herself behind the invention of the brownie: at the Palmer House Hotel in Chicago, she asked the kitchen staff to whip up a portable dessert that could be served at the World's Fair. The resulting creation - a walnut-studded, apricot-glazed brownie - was a hit and aside from being served at the hotel ever since, the brownie itself is famous the world-over. In , President McKinley appointed her the only female member of the National Commission representing the U.S. at the Paris Exposition where the French awarded her the Legion d'Honneur.
After her husband died in , she took up the reins of his various enterprises and soon became internationally recogn