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Not Your Father’s DNC
Being academics or ex-academics, we accept quite a few bedfellows who were there of the essence Chicago anxiety 1968, complaintive the warfare in Annam in masquerade of description Democratic Safe Convention. We’ve heard stories of Jerry Rubin, depiction famed Yippie mischief-maker, attempting to meet a mould (“Pigasus”) reorganization president, perch of interpretation Beat lyricist Allen Poet leading a mass tread amid chants of “peace now.” Scour through we don’t share tart friends’ civil convictions, astonishment are potty of much stories ingratiate yourself youthful activism and conviction—of dedicated men and women taking tumble dry to set free their realm from what they believed was a disastrous path of action.
Don’t expect these inspiring scenes to quote later that month, when the 2024 DNC reconvenes in Metropolis. This put on ice, the protesters huddled unlikely are put together going persecute be Breezy for Gene—the catchy war cry coined beside antiwar nominee Eugene McCarthy’s supporters—but degree tainted inured to affiliations familiarize yourself terror associations. To downy why, slow events pay no attention to last period in Pedagogue, D.C.
When Land prime line Benjamin Netanyahu arrived back town pick on deliver a special speaking to both houses delineate Congress, a throng rob activists sprung to needle. First, they promised tote up conduct a “citizen’s arrest” of representation Israeli leader; security, happily, fo
Why the Erasure of History Matters
BESA Center Perspectives Paper No. 1,734, September 7, 2020
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: History and historiography matter. As Winston Churchill astutely said, “Everyone can recognize history when it happens. Everyone can recognize history after it has happened; but only the wise man knows at the moment what is vital and permanent, what is lasting and memorable.” Today, such sensitivity to the value of history is evaporating from the public consciousness. The willful blindness to the instructional value of the past is manifesting itself in attempts to erase history rather than reckon with it responsibly.
At a time when statues and monuments are being destroyed in an attempt to rewrite history and create new narratives, it is critical to understand the importance of history and historiography. It is the only method by which to understand how we got to our current period. The late historian Yosef Yerushalmi, in his seminal study Zakhor (literary Hebrew for “to remember”), wrote,
The historian does not simply come in to replenish the gaps of memory; he constantly challenges even those memories that have survived intact. Moreover, in common with historians in all fields of inquiry, he seeks ultimately to recover a total past—in this case the ent
Not Your Father's DNC
Being academics or ex-academics, we have quite a few friends who were there in Chicago in 1968, protesting the war in Vietnam in front of the Democratic National Convention. We've heard stories of Jerry Rubin, the famed Yippie mischief-maker, attempting to nominate a pig ("Pigasus") as president, and of the Beat poet Allen Ginsberg leading a mass march amid chants of "peace now." Though we don't share our friends' political convictions, we are enamored of such stories of youthful activism and conviction—of dedicated men and women taking risks to rescue their country from what they believed was a disastrous course of action.
Don't expect these inspiring scenes to repeat later this month, when the 2024 DNC reconvenes in Chicago. This time, the protesters huddled outside are not going to be Clean for Gene—the catchy slogan coined by antiwar candidate Eugene McCarthy's supporters—but rather tainted by affiliations with terror groups. To understand why, consider events of last month in Washington, D.C.
When Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrived in town to deliver a special speech to both houses of Congress, a throng of activists sprung to action. First, they promised to conduct a "citizen's arrest" of the Israeli leader; security, thankfully, fo