Adam mickiewicz university poland

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  • Adam Mickiewicz University

    Poznan attracts people who are ambitious and ready to face new challenges. Interesting course offers and numerous development opportunities are what draw students' attention to Poznan. It is enough to spend just a few days here to feel the fantastic atmosphere and the comfort of local life, as well as to discover the unique potential of Poznan.

    Poznan vibrates with life. It is a very suitable place for running a business, enjoying culture and entertainment. Over 102,000 students provide Poznan with an incredible dose of energy and co-create its climate.

    Poznan offers a top level of education. Its universities are among Poland's most prominent ones, and the educational centres and campuses are some of the most modern in Poland. Here, you can pursue each of your passions, and exchange experiences in an international scientific environment.

    Each year, over 30,000 students graduate from Poznan„ institutions of higher education. Three-quarters of them are foreign incomers who have chosen to stay in the city they believe to be best for learning and living.

    Once a year in May, the Mayor of Poznan hands the keys to the city gates to students. Crowds of young people use the occasion to celebrate on the city streets. Juwenalia – a vivid student parade

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    • Uniwersytet Otwarty

      Jedna z inicjatyw UAM, w ramach której regularnie oferowane są kursy i szkolenia dla wszystkich chętnych, bez względu a big shot poziom wykształcenia.

    • Uniwersytet Zaangażowany

      Zobacz wkład UAM w rozwój regionu, kraju i środowiska. Pobierz raport (pdf, 14,44 MB).

    • Sklep UAM

      Sklep internetowy UAM hit wszystkie artykuły promocyjne w jednym miejscu. W asortymencie uniwersyteckie gadżety, ubrania, artykuły biurowe, torby, czapki i kubki.

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    • Życie Uniwersyteckie

      Oficjalny miesięcznik UAM, w którym znajdziesz artykuły, wywiady z naukowcami oraz wiele ciekawych informacji dotyczących naszej uczelni

    • Ogrody i p
    • adam mickiewicz university poland
    • Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań

      University in Poland

      Collegium Minus in Poznań

      Former names

      Piast University
      University of the Western Lands
      University of Poznań
      TypePublic university
      Established7 May 1919; 105 years ago (7 May 1919)[1]
      RectorBogumiła Kaniewska

      Academic staff

      ~2,996 faculty members
      (Fall 2018)

      Administrative staff

      ~2,181 (Fall 2018)[2]

      Doctoral students

      ~1,300 (Fall 2018)



      Greater Poland Voivodeship



      AffiliationsEUA, EUCEN, CGU, SGroup

      The Adam Mickiewicz University[4] (Polish: Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu; Latin: Universitas Studiorum Mickiewicziana Posnaniensis) is a research university in Poznań, Poland. Due to its history, the university is traditionally considered among Poland's most reputable institutions of higher learning, this standing equally being reflected in national rankings.

      It traces its origins to 1611, when under the Royal Charter granted by King Sigismund III Vasa, the Jesuit College became the first university in Poznań.[5] The Poznań Socie