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Ethiopian Patriarch Abune Paulos on Faith in Africa
VATICAN CITY, OCT. 6, 2009 (Zenit.org).- Here is the address Patriarch Abuna Paulus of the Ethiopian Tewahedo Orthodox Church gave today at the Third General Congregation of the Second Special Assembly of the Synod of Bishops. Benedict XVI invited the patriarch as a special guest to address the assembly.
In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit One God, Amen!
Dear participants of this great congress of Cardinals and Bishops.
I feel honored and privileged to be invited to this grand Synod and deliver a brief speech about Africa and Churches in this continent. I am especially grateful to His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI, who wanted me among you today and who personally witnessed to me his love for Africa and his respect for the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, during our last fraternal meeting here in Rome last June.
Africa is the second largest continent. It is home to all kinds of people with a great variety of colors who live in harmony and equality.
This spectrum of colors is a gift from God to Africa and it adds beauty to the continent. It is furthermore the proof that Africa is a continent where all kinds of people live in equality regardless of difference in color and race. Anthropologists,
Abuna Paulos Papers from Professor Karlfried Froehlich
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Identifier: SCM 301
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One Carton of files of Abuna Paulos papers from Dr. Froehlich in chronological order. The arrangement was done by Dr. Froehlich.
Biographical / Historical
Abuna Paulos (1935-2012) was born Gebre Medhin Wolde Yohannes on November 3, 1935 at Adwa, in Tigray Province, Ethiopia. He entered the Abba Garima Monastery at the age of six as a trainee deacon, later becoming a monk and then a priest. He was educated at the Theological College of the Holy Trinity in Addis Ababa. He continued his studies at St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary in Crestwood, Yonkers, New York (1962-1965), earned a bachelor of divinity degree at the Berkeley Divinity school at Yale (1966). In 1970 Abune Paulos began studies for a Master of Theology degree at Princeton Theological Seminary. In 1974 Abune Paulos was summoned back to Ethiopia by the Patriarch, Abune Theophilos. He arrived back in Ethiopia shortly after the revolution and was annointed bishop. He was arrested by the new communist regime and imprisoned until 1981. In 1983, Abune Paulos returned to Princeton Theological Seminary to complete his doctorate (1988). During the yea
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