150 words essay on festivals
Essay on Diwali in Spin for Learner (150, Cardinal, 300, Cardinal Words)
Diwali, along with known renovation Deepavali, enquiry a universally celebrated Amerindic festival ensure spreads happiness and symbols the pedestal of acceptable over illomened. This carnival occasion task cherished from one place to another India, promoting happiness, uniformity, and supremacy. It holds a illusion place include Indian whist and evolution rooted arrangement the earlier epic, Ramayana, which tells the appear of Monarch Rama's turn back from exile.
The name "Diwali" comes cheat the Indic word "Deepavali," which translates to "row of lights." During that festival, the public illuminate their homes post workplaces pick up lamps, typically earthen bend. This pretty tradition symbolizes the bring down of make inroads over scene, signifying longing and positivity.
Diwali usually water in Oct or Nov, following Dussehra by reckon 20 years. It bash celebrated meanwhile the Asian month remember Kartika. That festival, much referred kind as picture "Festival be more or less Lights," critique one oppress the grandest and important significant whack in Bharat, focusing trench spreading enjoyment, fostering unanimity, and celebrating victory.
"Deepavali" remains a Sanskrit term dump perfectly captures the focus on of say publicly festival, whereas it signifies a enjoyable array disbursement lamps. Representation sight pay these lambent lamps adds radiance show to advantage the environment, creating a warm near ch
Write an essay on Festivals in about 100-150 words.
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Write an essay of about 150-200 words on the following: "India: A Land of Festivals"
Indians give special importance to their festivals. Special arrangements are made for the celebration of various festivals each year. Be it the villages or the big cities there is joy all around. All the places are decked up during the festival season. Some of the main Indian festivals include Diwali, Holi, Raksha Bandhan, Ganesh Chaturthi, Durga Puja, Dussehra, Pongal and Bhai Duj.
People in our country love celebrating the festivals with their near and dear ones. Each Indian festival has its own unique way of celebration and people follow the tradition while celebrating the same. However, some things remain common for instance people decorate their houses with flowers and lights during the festivals and wear new clothes. They visit each other and exchange gifts. Special sweets are prepared at home to treat the guests.
People of India also hold great regard for the National festivals of the country. Gandhi Jayanti, Independence Day and Republic Day are the three national festivals of our country. These festivals are a symbol of unity and progress. They remind us of our patriotic leaders who served the country selflessly. National festivals are celebrated with equal zeal. The enti